Food security & livelihoods
Food security & livelihoods
We support sustainable livelihoods of communities and households affected by the conflict, floods and drought through promoting sustainable use of available natural resources and encouraging good improved agricultural practices, improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable households by ensuring food security and sustainable development. Also, we contribute to poverty reduction of rural farming households through improved food, income and nutrition security. In addition, the organization supports capital assets and economic recovery initiatives like business skills training, provision of business grants and start-up kits, and literacy training support to women and girls owned VSLAs groups. Our livelihood program strives to eradicate hunger, poverty, malnutrition and food insecurity for the poor people. It gives a particular focus to the marginalized, hard-to-reach and vulnerable host and IDPs communities in Somalia. our primary goal is to strengthen the ability of crisis affected communities to produce enough food and fodder for their livestock to improve their livelihood sources and strengthen their resilience, diversify their incomes, and improving the nutrition status of the most vulnerable members, including malnourished children under five and pregnant and lactating mothers. The programme aims to help people adapt their lives and livelihoods to our changing climate, protect themselves from the increasing risks of disasters caused by climate change, and become more aware of, and resilient to, current and future climate shocks. We also aim to enhance the capacity of drought-prone agro-pastoral communities in border areas of Kenya and Somalia to transition livelihoods from short-term relief to long-term development through improved drought resilience. Through integrated action, research and development, we strive to prototype a transition management approach applicable to complex environments.
Health & nutrition
Health & nutrition
Our health program focuses on improving health and nutrition status and reducing mortality and morbidity of marginalized, hard to reach and vulnerable children of internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities in our target areas. our health programme has ensured the continuity of health-services to further decrease maternal-mortality and related chronic diseases; KRD works to improve community health outcomes with a focus on addressing the preventable causes of morbidity and mortality in the communities we serve. We utilize an integrated approach to complement the efforts of government departments, UNICEF and WHO resources and technical support. focuses on ensuring that all children receive the health and nutrition care and services they require to survive. To achieve this goal, KRD collaborates with local governments, multilateral institutions, grassroots organizations and others to strengthen health systems, and works with individuals, families and communities to encourage the uptake of healthy behaviors. We work in both humanitarian and development contexts to ensure children’s right to survive, their right to good health and well-being, and their right to food and nutrition.
Water, sanitation & hygiene
Water, sanitation & hygiene
Under this thematic programme area, we aim to increase access to availability of clean water to the target communities through construction and rehabilitation of water sources, formation of water management committees at district and village level, sanitation and hygiene practices through construction of sanitation facilities and awareness creation and training of hygiene promoters to educate communities on good proper hygiene sanitation practices. Our WASH program strives to increase access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities and improve hygiene and sanitation practices for marginalized, hard-to-reach and underserved communities across all regions in Somalia. When a natural or man-made disaster strikes in Somalia, KRD provides immediate life-saving emergency relief by distributing food items, non-food items (NFIs) water, hygiene supplies and other basic necessities to ease human suffering. In the long-term, KRD works with partners towards recovery and reconstruction while maintaining focus on disaster preparedness and training to help reduce the damaging effects of future disasters.
Education & skills for life
Education & skills for life
KRD works to promote and support primary, secondary and skills development for vulnerable and marginalized children and youths through improvement of learning outcomes for early learning, basic education, and alternative basic education (ABE) for school going children. Our efforts have been geared towards contributing to the overall objective: Girls and boys are educated and empowered to claim their rights in a safe environment. This was aligned to the Somalia government’s Education Sector Strategic Plan of expanding access to education for children from marginalized communities such as IDPs, pastoralists and riverine communities, improving the quality of learning outcomes at early grade levels and strengthening management capacities and systems at local levels. KRD’s Education program focuses on expanding access to education for marginalized, hard-to-reach and vulnerable children, and improving the quality of education for school-age students in Somalia. KRD protects children by responding to their specific needs and the risks they face. KRD protects, and campaigns, against all forms of discrimination; prevents and responds to abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation; ensures immediate access to appropriate services; and provides durable solutions in the child’s best interest.
Child protection & gender empowerment
Child protection & gender empowerment
KRD works with the Government of Somalia and partners to promote policies and expand access to services that protect rights of women and children. We support the Government to put in place laws, policies, systems and public services that are inclusive of all children and women help them thrive. We have invested in training professional social workers to to prevent and respond to sexual violence and other forms of abuse against children. We help to make sure internally displaced children are protected and that their rights are respected. Our programmes also focus on building the resilience of children and developing their capacities to deal with the potential risks and hazards they face. We work with and strengthen the capacity of caregivers, communities-based protection mechanisms and local partners in the prevention of harmful traditional practices affecting the protection of children from violence, including Physical & Humiliating Punishment, Female Genital Mutilation and early marriage. We ensure that our projects are always gender sensitive, and we aspire towards gender transformative projects wherever possible. Women and Children in Somalia suffer from various forms of violence and abuses including; forced marriages, genital mutilation, rape and sexual violence, torture, abandonment, separation and recruitment into armed groups and forces. KRD seeks support and collaboration with other stakeholders with the aim to minimize extent of GBV and child abuses through support and empowerment to grassroots communities and local leadership structures. We also provide practical solutions that support prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) and child protection (CP) specifically those related to children in social places and their homes.
Peace building & social justice
Peace building & social justice
Through this programme, we work towards building an all-inclusive, peaceful communities that promotes social justice especially for the vulnerable and marginalized communities through several community–based initiatives to reduce violent conflicts and engage local leaders at all levels of society to foster inclusion, equity, and accountability. We seek to expand democratic space for a vibrant and growing civil society and independent media; strengthen ability of political and government institutions to be responsive to citizens’ needs; promote transparency and accountability, cultivate the rule of law, foster equitable economic growth, advance tolerance and inclusiveness, protect human rights and support credible elections.
Shelter & NFIs
Shelter & NFIs
Our Shelter and NFIs Programme continues to provide emergency assistance to newly displaced people affected by natural and man-made disasters (flood, fire, drought, conflict and evictions), distributing a minimum Non-Food Item (NFI) kit and Emergency Shelter Kit (if necessary) for those in need. KRD engages with local stakeholders Immediately following crises, to provide shelter and non-food items (NFI). The shelter and NFIs assistance is a critical, life-saving intervention that provides the affected population with safety, protection from the elements, health risks and other factors that could increase their vulnerabilities. Under the this programme, we aim to address the immediate humanitarian needs of the newly displaced, the protracted IDPs and host communities living in a deplorable shelter conditions in by providing life-saving and life-sustaining Emergency Shelter and NFI assistance to the most vulnerable men, women, boys and girls. We also ensure that affected population have protection, privacy and improve their living conditions through the provision of appropriate emergency shelter assistance, non-food items (NFI) while transitioning to durable solutions.